Judy Olbrych

102 Top Lead Generation Strategies to Skyrocket Your Business

102 Top Lead Generation Strategies

Did you leave that bold new jacket in yesterday’s shopping cart? Has a sales rep ever called you after a white paper download?  Congratulations! You’re a lead.

What does that mean, exactly?

The Oxford Dictionary of Marketing defines a lead as “A potential customer who has been identified as being interested in a product or service.”

If your readers have browsed, clicked, trialed, emailed, shopped, or called, they’ve taken the step from prospect to lead. And when you generate more of the right leads, you grow your business with happy customers.

Keep reading and discover 102 lead generation strategies to skyrocket your business.

What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the art of attracting prospects and capturing their contact information so you can reach out to them again. You’re identifying and targeting the ones most likely to buy so you can move them through your funnel.

Here’s how it works:

1 – You attract visitors from cold traffic with ads, content, trials, videos, courses …

2 – When your readers register for your webinar, sign up for your trial, download your widget, opt-in to your chatbot sequence, or connect with you on LinkedIn, they become leads …

3 – Some of your leads turn into customers …

4 – Your Best Customers become fans and refer your products and services to others …bringing you new leads

How Will You Attract More Customers?  

That depends on your business:

Are you promoting an Ecommerce product?  

Retarget visitors with ad campaigns, offer downloads, trade discounts for email addresses, and educate your customers.  Four Sigmatic, for example, offers a free Mushroom Academy. New ‘shroomers can learn about the functional fungi infusing their coffee, tea, and cacao with the power of the Scandinavian forests.

Are you a service provider or online course creator?  

You’ll likely be creating webinars, offering content upgrades like cheat sheets and templates, or sharing your new offer with a relevant segment of your email list.

Are you selling software or cloud services?  

You may face complex lead generation requiring high-investment content, product demos, online training, and personal phone conversations.  

SalesForce’s Trailhead and HubSpot’s Academy offer quality training programs free of charge on topics related to their software. And Buffer offers free accounts with social media scheduling on five platforms.


Whatever you sell, you need more leads. 

The Problem:

For small businesses and independent service providers, lead generation can be challenging or overwhelming …

Another hour on LinkedIn struggling with what to say to a new connection … another radio campaign with no calls … hundreds of blog posts with no measurable results …

The Solution:

Happily, there are a dozens of ways to turn your best prospects into leads, customers, and raving fans. And they’re growing more sophisticated every day.  

Which strategies will help you exceed your goals in the coming fiscal year?

100 Ways to Find More Leads for Your Business


1.  Run a PPC campaign on Adwords or Bing and drive traffic to a squeeze page or landing page

2.  Introduce your optin on a Facebook LIVE video and boost your post

3.  Design opt-in forms and landing pages in minutes with Systeme.io, the new French funnel builder that’s rapidly gaining popularity in the US.  Drive ad traffic to your landing pages.

4.  Create a simple squeeze page and run it to a VSL

5.  Distribute a press release.  Send it to publications reaching your target audience.

6.  Promote a free offer with solo ads

7.  Give away an entire online course as a Share Funnel

Start a conversation

8.  Attend a trade show and network in person

9.  Interview or be interviewed on network TV

10.  Set up your own booth at a trade show and get to know your visitors  

11.  Answer and ask questions in online forums

12.  Connect on Twitter and move the conversation to LinkedIn, email, or a phone call

13.  Research prospects in your industry and make connection requests on LinkedIn

14.  Comment in private LinkedIn groups and posts – join the conversation  

15.  Offer a free 30-minute consultation

16.  Attend local, in-person networking social events

17.  Install a chat app such as www.Tawk.to  on your website to start conversations and capture leads

18.  Join an association related to your niche.  Reach out to other members and attend local, regional, and/or national events

19.  Join your local Chamber of Commerce

20.  Leave comments on blog posts relevant to your business

21.  Pick up the phone and call your prospect

22.  Send a personalized video introduction to a new contact

23.  Offer an opt-in to a ManyChat sequence on Facebook messenger.  

24.  Create a calculator to estimate savings, cost, or profits

25.  Design a Cheat sheet – make your own quick guide to help your readers do something better and faster

26.  Create a checklist to help your prospect reach a goal – for example, a realtor could offer a home staging or landscape checklist and a professional organizer could offer a checklist listing common documents and how long to keep them.

27.  Create content upgrades for each of your most popular blog posts

28.  Make and distribute a brochure

29.  Offer an instantly downloadable free ebook

30.  Give away a free printed book (they pay for shipping)

31.  Offer a subscription to a monthly newsletter

32.  Provide a report or case study highlighting a past success

33.  Offer gated access to a free chapter of your next best-seller

34.  Create and share a bundle of free graphics for personal use or sharing on social

35.  Design a comprehensive guide on one specific topic or skill

36.  Make a shareable infographic in minutes on Picmonkey  or Canva

37.  Offer a whitepaper outlining a solution to an industry challenge

38.  Make a prep guide for an academic or professional certification exam

39.  Provide templates guiding your reader through planning a speech, writing an email sequence, making a potato gun, or sewing a quilt …

40.  Create a workbook for skill development

41.  Design a printable Journal for personal growth and reflection

42.  Offer an informative buying guide for a complex buying decision


43.  Drive targeted Facebook traffic to a “presell” landing page and retarget visitors

44. Record a downloadable audio course and deliver it on an MP3 player

45.  Create and share a recorded webinar. Right now, automated webinars, emails, and funnel pages are all included in Systeme.io for about half the price of comparable popular funnel software.

46.  Team up with complementary businesses or service providers and design an online summit

47.  Draw visitors to your site with a strong content strategy. Want to know how?  Check out HubSpot’s Free Content Marketing Certification Course

48.  Host a live webinar on Zoom

49.  Make Landing Page and website templates on Systeme.io and give them away as free Sharefunnels.

50.  Conduct a local, in-person workshop 

51.  Use Gary V’s $1.80 Instagram strategy and add an opt-in link to your profile

52.  Turn existing content into a Slideshare and link to your offer or website

53.  Design and share a free mini-course on Teachable

54.  Offer a video tutorial as a lead magnet

55.  Write and publish a case study – gate the content

56.  Make a viral personality quiz with a gorgeous template from Interact and share it everywhere!

The Power of Print

57.  Make coupons and track to find out what’s working and where.

58.  Send a postcard – even if they throw them away, they’ll still see your message.  Add a Dynamic QR code leading to your appointment-setting or video landing page.

59.  Buy or rent a better quality mailing list – e.g current subscribers to a publication or members of a professional organization

60.  Create video brochures/mailers

61.  Print 1000 business cards to share

62.  Send a letter to your ideal prospect.  Hand address it and use real stamps.

63.  Advertise on local radio


64. Split test your ads, landing pages, and emails to find out what brings you the most leads and sales

65.  Create opt-in forms to match your goals. If you’re after a smaller number of highly qualified leads ask for more information.  Consider adding fields for address, phone number, company website. number of employees, company name, position, and/or gross revenue.

66.  Optimize your YouTube videos for lead generation with strong keywords, relevant tags, and opt-ins.

67.  Create and promote Video Ads on the Google Display Network and use strategic targeted placements

68.  Place a Call to Action on every page and piece of content you produce

69.  Link to your opt-in in a pinned tweet

70.  Add opt-ins to your website in your blog posts, front page, and side bars

71.  Post product reviews from happy customers

72.  Run a contest/giveaway on Facebook

73.  Send event triggered emails and letters

74.  Retarget cart abandoners with ads and email

75.  Structure your content and website for great SEO

76.  Ask for referrals you can use to attract more satisfied customers  Do it faster with a template from SurveySparrow

77.  Set up Morevago on your website to attract leads with social proof

78.  Create an affiliate program so your biggest fans can promote your product

79.  Create a Smart CTA that’s different for past visitors and cold traffic https://knowledge.hubspot.com/articles/kcs_article/cos-general/create-a-smart-call-to-action-cta

80.  Offer free migration to your software

Free Trial

81.  Give them the tools to create a free graphic, document, or game (and then pay to keep it)

82.  Offer a free, personalized demo of your software or service

83.  Offer a limited trial version of your software or service

84.  Give limited access to your software with freemium accounts/memberships

85.  Provide a sample of your product

You’re the Expert

86.  Appear as a podcast guest

87.  Guest author a blog post for a website in a related field and include a link to your site in your bio

88.  Become an in-demand public speaker – learn to speak at Toastmasters or the National Speakers Association

89.  Help others and answer questions in Facebook groups.  Give quality answers, and others will see you as an expert –  including less active group members

90.  Host a radio show on a popular local station

91.  Host a Voice America Radio Show

92.  Host a weekend workshop at a tropical destination

93.  Lead an in-house training or workshop

94.  Interview or be interviewed by an expert and publish on your website or YouTube channel –  or do it Live on Facebook.

95.  Share tips on your YouTube channel

96.  Start your own podcast and put it on iTunes, Spreaker, iHeartRadio, Pippa, Spotify, and your own blog!

97.  Volunteer or get paid to speak at a conference – If you’re not ready to give a speech, offer to lead a breakout session

98.  Volunteer to be the guest speaker at a local networking luncheon

99.  Submit an article to a print or online publication

100.  Make a documentary

101.  Start your own LinkedIn Group

102.  Create your own Facebook Group and invite others to join

How will your business grow with fresh lead generation strategies?  Book a call today.

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