Judy Olbrych

Sales Copy Cleanup – Spring Decluttering that Boosts Response

Copy Cleanup

Spring … it’s the time for sorting through closets, clearing cabinets, and sweeping out the corners of the shed. And it’s the perfect time for a sales copy cleanup!

As I was tidying up the home office last week, I thinking about how much easier it is to read and focus in a clear space. And not only in our physical spaces. Just as our closets and desks need to be cleared of shoes, papers, and tchotchkes that no longer serve us, our online spaces need attention too.

“An ad is finished only when you no longer can find a single element to remove.” – Robert Fleege

Let’s look at how a spring sweep of your online assets reduces reader distractions, builds trust and increases response – to help your business grow.

1. KonMari your landing pages and blog posts

“Tidying is a special event. Don’t do it every day.” – Marie Kondo

In The Magic Art of Tidying Up, best-selling author Marie Kondo encourages us to collect ALL the items in our homes by category. She tells readers to hold each item and decide whether or not it brings us joy.

As digital marketers and business owners, we can apply Kondo’s “KonMari Method” to our sales copy and content too. Ask yourself, “Does this offer or content bring joy to my readers? Does it answer their questions? Am I offering a solution to a problem they want to solve right now?”

Take a look at the Google Analytics for your pages and posts. Google Analytics is free and provides training. Scan your results to find out which new content is not performing. Then walk through your entire posting history and look for old content that’s no longer relevant. Refresh outdated or expired content or take it safely off your site, so you don’t risk 401 errors and elevated bounce rates.

First, is there a way to update content and make it evergreen? By transforming your pages and posts to be perpetually relevant, you avoid risking broken links. Your site structure remains intact and the value of your content increases.

If there’s no way to salvage your copy and external links are still floating about the interweb, consider creating a 301 redirect to a new post on a related topic.

Need a massive overhaul?  Read about how Koozai successfully deleted 30% of their content overnight.

2 – If it doesn’t fit your brand style, replace it!

“Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.” – Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Do those words still look good on you? Or do your web pages contain old graphics with outdated brand colors, fonts, or profiles pics?  

Brands naturally evolve through the years. If you discover your power look had clean lines and navy blue branding, it’s time to replace the zebra-stripes, comic fonts, and pink florals in the forgotten profile pic at the bottom of your About page. Do a quick scan of all your landing pages, profile pics, and creative graphics to identify where you need to update and unify the look of your website.

While you’re at it, why not check all your social profiles and business listings for consistency as well? Look for and replace any outdated descriptions, taglines, company addresses and phone numbers, and profile pictures. Want to do that quickly?  Let’s talk.

3. Throw out word clutter

“So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads.”  – Dr. Seuss

Does every word in your copy contribute to the meaning you want to convey? Your message will be stronger and clearer when you replace weak verbs, eliminate worn-out clichés, and clear our filler words.

Find and sweep out common offenders using your search function or a custom macro in MS Word. Then cozy up with a thesaurus or your favorite bank of power words.

4. Reinvent your sentence style

“If you can’t state your position in eight words, you don’t have a position.” – Seth Godin

Does your writing sound more like a scientific publication than a personal letter? Are you creating a lecture instead of a conversation? How your copy sounds out loud determines how your audience takes it in.

 Check low-performing sales copy with a quick read-aloud. If you can’t get through a sentence without gasping for breath, break it up. Vary the length. Simplify your syntax. What’s the most direct and powerful image you can use to bring your reader into your story, challenge, or solution?

5. Organize your sales copy with reader-friendly formatting

Leave long, unbroken chunks of text for the novels and dissertations. For the average online reader, shorter is better.

Split up long paragraphs, organize content with subtitles and add white space to enhance readability and make your pages more visually friendly.

Get a fresh start on your marketing this spring with a sales copy cleanup

How will you freshen up your web pages?  Do you need to update old content? Rework a sales page or create a new one? Or will you convert more leads with a powerful new case study?

Let’s talk. Sign up for a complimentary 30-minute Strategy Call today.

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